El prisionero del cielo ( english review)


Barcelona 1957 Daniel Sempere and his friend Fermín, the heroes of The Shadow of the Wind, return to the adventure to face the greatest challenge of their lives.

Just when everything began to smile at them, a disturbing character visits Sempere's bookstore and threatens to reveal a terrible secret that has been buried for two decades in the dark memory of the city. Knowing the truth, Daniel will understand that his destiny drags him inexorably to face the greatest of shadows: the one that is growing inside.

Overflowing with intrigue and emotion. The Prisoner of Heaven is a masterful novel where the threads of The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's game converge through the spell of literature and lead us to the enigma that is hidden in the heart of the El Cementerio de los Libros olvidados 


This novel fascinates me, like all the novels of zafon I get hooked from the beginning but the plot of this story is the one I like the most; It is so tragic and mysterious, full of hate and love, heartbreaking and enigmatic.

I have enjoyed every page from beginning to end; How this book moves is magnificent, as the story progresses you begin to understand more deeply the pain of the characters and the reason for that pain.

I don't know how to express how much I loved this reading, how much I suffered from the characters and how much I cried at the end of everything.

It is one of the literary novels that seem 100% worth reading to me; Zafón manages to captivate you indescribably.

I recommend everyone to read Zafón's novels, even if you are not reading the literature it is good from time to time to expand your knowledge and try genres that you have never read.




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