Author:Shanon Kirk

Genre:Mistery, Suspense
Dark nover, Thriller
Number of pages:368


Imagine a sixteen-year-old pregnant and vulnerable girl who has just been ripped out of the tranquility of her home and thrown into a ramshackle van.
Raptured ... Alone ... Terrified.
Now, forget about her.

Imagine instead a prodigious sixteen-year-old manipulator who, from the first moments of her room, focuses, with such serenity as to determine, on two things: to save the child she has in her breast and to take revenge.

Methodical and calculating, it sets up an almost scientifically organized plan in which it is delivered at random.

His strong will and ingenuity will be his best weapons against the brutality of his abductors, all he has to do is wait for the ideal moment to launch his attack.


I read this book a long time ago so if this review is short it´s because and don´t remember much other than that it was a great book with great characters and story.

This book is wonderful and I am not exaggerating, it is one of my favorite books and one of the best stories I have read immediately.

The way he tells everything is so perfect that he manages not only to get you hooked from the beginning but also feels part of the story, he starts thinking about how the correct way to escape would be

it absorbs you in this world full of intrigue, despair, frustration and constant anxiety; You want so much that the nightmare is over but at the same time you want it to be eternal.

Whether you like it or not the suspense is worth 100% worth reading this book.

"The writing is precious, effective and severe. The atmosphere of the thriller is taken by assault by a genre prodigal. A passionate book of an undoubted literary quality."

- Polars Pourpres

"The will and ingenuity of the protagonist far exceed the ruthless brutality of her captors, while the exciting story reaches a surprising climax."

- Weekly editors

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